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Sauna & Wellness at Hotel Christina

To switch off and to relax completely – we have our small Hotel-SPA

Especially after a day in the mountains, after hiking, skiing and activities around our hotel in Pertisau, your muscles will rejoice over wonderful warmth with 3 sauna variations:

The Finnish sauna is made of wood and heats you up to temperatures between 80 ° C and 100 ° C. The air is typically dry at about 10% humidity.

Treat yourself to a sauna aisle regularly and you will feel why the Finnish sauna is one of the most popular and well-known wellness offers worldwide: The Finnish sauna is ideal to recharge your batteries for the day. It relaxes and hardens, strengthens the immune system and boosts your circulation effectively. The Finnish sauna has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, stressed muscles and the skin.

For the greatest possible effect, please pay attention to the healthy interplay of heat and cooling: After your sweat in the Finnish sauna, treat yourself to a cold shower to get your circulation back on track.

Our new infrared cabin at Hotel Christina is a popular alternative to the sauna. Due to the lower temperatures of about 48 ° C, it is particularly suitable for heat sensitive people and is gentle on the circulation and organism.

The special deep heat in the infrared cabin causes a better blood circulation and an expansion of the vessels. Due to the increased blood circulation, the cells are better supplied and the heart rate is increased.

The infrared cabin is ideal for increasing your well-being and relieving discomfort of the entire musculoskeletal system. Just after an active day on the mountain, tensing up your muscles - and you avoid muscle aches.

It smells like a herb garden! Our revitalizing steam bath pampers your senses with soothing scents and supports the invigorating effect with selected herbal extracts. At very high humidity, the temperature is only 50 ° C and this protects your circulation. Take a deep breath: By inhaling the fine water vapor, the respiratory tracts are moistened and cleansed. The circulation is stimulated and the skin becomes supple and soft.

Enjoy the warmth that suits you! After sweating, whether in the sauna, infrared cabin or steam bath, the following applies: cooling. Relax. And a lot of drinking! Relaxation loungers for reading, daydreaming and relaxing await you in the relaxation room - as well fresh Grander spring water from our vital well.

Take the offer - we wish you a relaxing and active holiday at the Achensee!